Green Education


As we accumulate different kinds of waste everyday, we are polluting our environment. Pollution can be categorized into 3 categories :

  1. Air pollution :
    1. Sources : burning of fuel, smoking, release of toxic gases from industries and others
  2. Water pollution :
    1. Sources : dumping of industrial wastes into water, oil spills, spraying insecticides, washing clothes, utensils near rivers and others
  3. Soil pollution :
    1. Sources : release of industrial waste, mining and deforestation

Effects of pollution :

  1. Environment Degradation
    1. Release of carbon dioxide creates a smog in atmosphere. This prevents sunlight from entering atmosphere. Oil spills in water might lead to death of water species
  2. Human Health
    1. Chest pain, congestion, throat inflammation, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease are some of diseases  that can be causes by air pollution
  3. Global Warming
    1. The increase in CO2 leads to melting of polar ice caps which increases the sea level and pose danger for the people living near coastal areas.
  4. Infertile land
    1. Due to constant use of insecticides and pesticides, the soil may become infertile. Plants may not be able to grow properly,

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