How we hurt Mother Earth



As human beings, we generate lot of waste everyday. This waste can take various forms like :

  1. Plastic waste
    1. Examples : polythene, cans, bottles
  2. Solid waste
    1. Examples : cardboard, paper
  3. Electronic waste
    1. Examples : computers, laptops, mobiles
  4. Air pollutants
    1. Examples : toxic chemicals from industries, carbon dioxide
  5. Metal waste
    1. Examples : screws, rods

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Save our Mother Earth

Imagine your loving and caring mother. She takes care of you in every aspect.  Right from childhood, she makes sure that you get what you need. If someone hurts you, she feels MotherEarthbad. Similarly, earth is like our mother and all natural resources are her children. She has taken good care of trees, water, air and land. She has even allowed human beings to use them for their good. But, human beings have misused earth resources.

Mother earth has been very tolerative till now. But if we continue to inflict same damage on her children, she is not going to be quiet. She is going to respond in the form of earthquake, landslides, pollution, erosion and many others. And when she responds, it is going to impact all human beings badly.

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